Prodeko Board

The guild chooses their board annually in the election meeting in November. Every position is elected separetely and there isn't a spesific person who would choose the rest of the board. In the year 2019, there are 12 board members in Prodeko board and the common practise is to have board meeting once a week, although every board can decide the meeting freqvency on their own. The board represents all members of the guild and board members won't get paid by their volunteer work.


Board positions

Every board member needs to do the common board tasks, which are

  • To participate actively board meetings
  • To work toward benefits of guild and guild members
  • To help other sectors when needed
  • To help organize the annual ball
  • To help organize Prodeko seminar
  • To plan and execute specific events, for example:
    • Pre-Christmas party
    • Wappu sitsis
    • Wappu sillis breakfast
    • Autumn sitsis
    • Changes for the board and guild officials
  • To represent the guild
  • To carry responsibility for their own guild officials wellbeing


  • Overlooks legitimacy of the guild operations
  • Coordinates the work of the board
  • Develops guild operations as a whole
  • Is the contact person of guild to Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Student Union, other guilds and other student organizations
  • Leads the talk in board meetings
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY:n Neuvosto, Board of Prodeko Alumni and in Honorary Advisory Council of Prodeko
  • Is a contact person between Prodeko and aTalent
  • Keeps contact to alumni coordinator
  • Is a contact person between Prodeko and Prodeko Ventures


Vice President
  • Oversees and develops guild operations with President
  • Takes care of President's responsibilities when President is not available
  • Helps President with every day businesses
  • Has board responsibilty over Prodeko seminar
  • Is responsible for the activities of Harassment Contact Persons
  • Is responsible for guild officials and their wellbeing
  • Is responsible for letters, board cabinet in TUAS-building, host cabinet and archive of the guild
  • Organizes the wellbeing coaching of freshmen with President and hyvikset
  • Leads Prodeko's community division
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Teekkari Culture Committee (TKTMK)


Minister of Excursions
  • Takes care that guild members get to know as many different companies as possible
  • Is responsible of excursion operations and longer excursion trips 
  • Keeps by one's part tech student excursion traditions alive
  • Leads Prodeko's corporate relations team with Minister of Corporate Relations
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Corporate Relations Committee (YTMK)


Captain of Freshmen Education
  • Is responsible for introduction guild activity for new freshmen
  • Is responsible for tech student culture education
  • Keeps by one's part tech student culture traditions
  • Helps freshmen to get to know university life and to start their studies well
  • Is responsible for freshmen events of the guild
  • Overlooks the tutor operations of the guild with the Captain of Master and International Students
  • Leads Freshmen Division with the Captain of Master and International Students
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Freshmen Committee (FTMK)


Captain of Master and International Students
  • Is responsible of master freshmen introduction and integration to guild
  • Is responisble for welcoming and introduction exchange students to guild
  • Is resposible for advocacy of international student in guild and informs them about guild events
  • Overlooks  the tutor operations of the guild with the Captain Freshmen Education
  • Leads Freshmen Division with the Captain Freshmen Education
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's International Committee (KvTMK)


Minister of Media and Information Technology
  • Is responsible for internal and external communications of the guild and the brand of Prodeko and developing these as a whole
  • Overlooks developing the guild's information technology
  • Is responsible for email lists
  • Is a secretary in board meetings unless board decide other
  • Updates member register of the guild
  • Leads Prodeko's Media Division and Communications Division
  • Has board responsibility for Proleko
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Communications Committee (VTMK)
Minister of Studies
  • Coordinates and executes advocacy work of guild with the help of hallopeds
  • Is a contact person between guild and university governance
  • Overlooks high school marketing
  • Overlooks alumni mentoring program
  • Participates actively to developing studies and student wellbeing themes
  • Leads Prodeko's Studies Division
  • Represents the guild in campus issues
  • Is responsible for promoting exchange studies and information of them
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Studies Committee (OPN


  • Is a treasurer and is responsible for transactions of the guild
  • Conducts a budget with the help of the rest of the board
  • Conducts balance sheet
  • Reports money issues in board meeting
  • Is responsible for investments of the guild
  • Conducts AYY's allowance application
  • Is member of Annual Ball Committee of Prodeko
  • Is member of Seminar Committtee of Prodeko
  • Is member of Corporate relations team of Prodeko
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Money Committee


Minister of Corporate Relations
  • Is responsible for Prodeko Network and guild corporate relations as a whole
  • Is responsible for contacting Tuotantotalous 2 -course organizators
  • Is responsible for contracts about guild corporate relations
  • Is responsible for part of corporate relations to fullfill the guild budget
  • Is member of Annual Ball Committee of Prodeko, responsible for sponsors
  • Is member of Seminar Committtee of Prodeko, responsible for sponsors
  • Leads Corporate relations team of Prodeko with Minister of Excursions
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Corporate Relations Committee (YTMK)


Minister of Internal and Cultural Affairs
  • Brings ideas and organises events with the rest of the host team
  • Is responsible for the events as a whole with the rest of the host team
  • Keeps up guild traditions and tech student culture
  • Helps the Freshmen Divison to organise their events
  • Leads Prodeko's Host team with Host
  • Is responsible for the culture events and leads Prodeko's Culture Division
  • Contacts song leaders with Host
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Host and Hostess Committee (IE) with Host


  • Brings ideas and organises events with the rest of the host team
  • Is responsible for the events as a whole with the rest of the host team
  • Keeps up guild traditions and tech student culture
  • Helps the Freshmen Divison to organise their events
  • Leads Prodeko's Host team with Minister of Internal & Cultural Affairs
  • Contacts song leaders with Minister of Internal Affairs
  • Is board responsible for the annual ball
  • Is responsible for Prodeko's warehouse and keys
  • Is responsible for Prodeko's reservations of rooms and vans
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Host and Hostess Committee (IE) with Minister of Internal Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Is responsible for guild international side and developing it
  • Takes care for relations to other guild and subject assosiations
  • Is responsible for developing ESTIEM-activities with ESTIEM-responsible
  • Leads Prodeko's team of external relations
  • Represents Prodeko in AYY's Teekkari Culture Committee (TKTMK)